Friday, June 02, 2006

june movie preview

O.k. this week the Break Up comes out with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughan. Vaughan may drive them in after his Wedding Crashers did so well last year, but does anyone really have this one checked off on their lists?

June 9th is Pixar time. With Cars. PIxar releases a movie, the disney execs blow a sigh of relief, their gonna make money. sadly for me this is the first Pixar film i have no interest in. It's about cars? racing? yuck, bring out the nascar people. I'll pass.

June 16th. Napoleon Dynamites director Jared Hess, gets some money to work with and Jack Black as a mexican luchador. Actually as a priest who dreams of being a Luchador. Got to be the comedy of the summer.

June 23rd. Adam Sandler in Click. Has potential but does anyone really care what the waterboy is doing these days?

June 30th. This movie has no competition. None what so ever. Bryan Singer, Superman, Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. No comepetition.

My pick for the movie that may get missed this June but has a chance to be a sleeper hit, is June 9th's Prairie Home Companion. Most people have at least heard of the radio show this is based on and it has Woody Harrelson's return to film (along with this summers A Scanner Darkly), and you may have something that drives sales. Slowly but steady wins the race right?



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