Saturday, May 27, 2006

x-men 3 the last stand

X-3. Is well. It's o.k. By far not the worst superhero movie(Daredevil) it has moments that make you cringe as a comic fan, and as a movie fan. Certain choices in the script don't help either. It does have it's moments though and they mostly come from the quiet moments between members of the x-men, which there are far too few of in this movie. It's a lot of watch Storm fly here, watch Storm fly there? Who decided Halle needed more lines and screen time anyway. All in all id give it a B-. It ties up the series nicely, with a few surprises and if Fox has decided to leave the series like this I'm o.k. with it, I just have to wonder how much better this would have been with Bryan Singer at the helm. Mr. Rattner go make Rush Hour 3, stay away from my superheroes, and Fox go make Wolverine, make it R rated, and you will have a new franchise on your hands. Thankfully one without Halle Barry.

"oh my stars and garters" Really if this line sounded cheesy when Lee wrote it in the sixties. why would you use it now?


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