Thursday, June 01, 2006

Battlestar Galactica # 0.

BattleStar Galactica # 0 Dynamite Entertainment 25 cents.
Every once in a while a sci-fi show comes long that does things a little bit different, feels fresh and makes you want more, like Lost. Well Battlestar on the Sci-fi channel is one of these shows. I'm without cable so I'm waiting for the rest of season 2 to come out on dvd with baited breath. When it lands I will most likely watch the entire season in a matter of days.
Thankfully this comic series is going to take place between three episodes I've alreay seen which is nice because it adds an element to the storytelling when it's in continuity with the show, and they are episodes every one has access to on DVD.
Overall for an intro issue it does a nice job of laying out the big players on the series, and sets up a climax that is a little comic booky and probably wouldnt work on the show itself. But that's o.k. For cableless people like me, any bit of extra war with the cylons we can get is a very good thing. Got a quarter to spare? Go give it a try, you may find a new world to explore.



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