Wednesday, December 14, 2005

is punk dead? nah but a thought.

Do you think it's possible that punk or indie more precisely is dead? When the first post hardcore bands showed up they brought an air of original instact action to the table and lately it just seems like theres plenty of bands that are copies of the norm. Where is the unusual sounds of a nuzzle, the energy of early texas is the reason, or the new dance motions that the faint unleashed on us? they are covered up by copycats and bands happy to play a sound that is safe and secure. Sure every band has been influenced by the ones before them but it seems like the whole punk/indy scene is in danger of becoming as stagnant as pop music right now. When sites like pitchfork who used to report true underground sounds, now report the same thing as maxim, where are we to go to find out what the new sounds are. There has got to be creativity going on through out this country but whose house show can you find it at? What are the new genres that are developing to replace the synth, the emo, the hardcore as the next musical progression? i remember around 99 when so many 'punk' kids started becoming 'ravers' and i could see the trendy people right away. I felt a changing of the gaurd going on, but yet now the club kids are back in the shadows and the indy kids are all the rage. I kind of feel like the dance scene has benefited from this and the indy world is lost in a sea of megalabels, and publications more concerned with ad money than covering noteworthy bands no one has ever heard of. that was the point right? of sites like lostatsea, pitchfork and insound right? to let us hear new sounds. well now every band they cover can just as easily be read about in any newstand. whose sticking up for the little guy anymore? Who is the little guy and what in the world are you listening to? What is going to takeover and eventaully have me complaing about the same thing about them years from now. It's bound to happen, it comes with being good, and being successful,
I just wish it didn't leave such a bad taste in my mouth.



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