Wednesday, December 07, 2005


i'm tired. physically, emotionally, tired. I don't sleep anymore, I'm tired during the days but when i lay my head down at night i don't fall asleep. I just lay there ready for more. And yet at the same time I'm not THAT tired. I'm excited about the doors opening and closing around me. I want to go out. I want to meet new people, and old ones again, I want to stay up all hours watching movies, or just playing games with a friend. I like this feeling of my eyes barely open as i type because I'm running on three, maybe four hours sleep. I miss being tired. I miss watching my friends pour themselves another drink, I miss watching the couples, and the people who move in and out of our lives, I miss having a late night snack for no reason except that you don't want to go home yet. I think I'd brave anything just to be with all of you, out on a porch on a summer night, watching the stars go down, ready for more.
always ready for more.



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