Thursday, May 04, 2006

Summer Movie Season is Here! May,

O.k, So the summer movie doldrums kick off tommorow with Mission Impossible 3. It's funny about a month ago I thought I wouldn't touch this film with a ten foot pole but now with the JJ Abrams star trek anouncement, my need for a good action flick and all the praise Phillip Seymour Hoffman is receiving as the villian, I think I will go see this matinee style. Let the summer begin!

The next weeks winner may not pass Mission Impossible 3, and may not even break the box offices top 5. Poisedon comes out May 12th and looks to be the last movie for all involved. Kurt Russell should probably just hang it up. This is like a collection of B-list actors symbolizing the ship their sinking on isn't this movie, it's their agents job. Stay Away!

On May 19th is the Da Vinci Code. Millions will go, Millions will complain how the book was better, which really just takes all the fun out of it. Since I didn't read the book I'll just make fun of Tom Hanks haircut and stare at Audrey Tatou.

One week Later it's time for the X-men. I still cringe that everything that was great about the first two movies has been missed here by Fox in an effort to beat Superman to the theatres. I hope to god Im wrong. In the past I could be so excited for this movie, now Im just scared.

and my May pick for movie that will be good but noone will see is
Art School Confidential. Terry Zwigoff(Ghost World) adapts another comic by Daniel CLowes (Ghost World). It has the right people in place, question is can Zwigoff breathe a full movie into a very small strip.

Wow. What movie's are you excited about this summer?



Blogger RC said...

how funny to have a "good but no one will see catagory"

there's a lot of those.

--RC of

2:17 AM  

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