Thursday, November 23, 2006

Stranger than Fiction.

Marc Forster's (director of the overrated Monster's Ball and the underrated Stay) new film is really pretty neat. Will Ferrell must be on tranquilizer because I've never seen him act this well normal. He plays Harold Crick whose life is run by numbers and the catch is he's also a character in a popular author's novel. One in which she plans to kill him. Pretty good plot that has some holes in it on the romance angle, but is forgivable thanks to the nice direction and overall subdued atmosphere. I'll give it a B and Will Ferrell an A for actually acting for once and leaving the annoying comedy behind at least for this film.

Also picked up Civil War Frontline # 8. Why do I feel that after Civil War marvel is setting up another crossover to fight the Atlanteans? I hope not but it sure looks so. And would someone put Speedball out of his misery.



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