Why i love my 360... LIVE ARCADE!
O.k. when I got my Wii I was so excited for the new way to play and Zelda was freaking fantastic. I broke down a while later and got a 360 for all the fancy graphics and larger style games. Guess what? I've only been playing the old games availble through the download service Live Arcade. And it is Awesome. Playing TMNT arcade again with four other people is great. Playing a bout of worms for world domination? Great. Playing UNO. Werid but great.
And this wenesday MS is giving us a free sidescrolling 2-d shooter Aegis Wing that up to four people can play at once. Im in love with a service and its LIve Arcade. It's sad because as much promise as the Wii's Virtual COnsole had/has the lack of online really is killing some of the multiplayer classics.
Labels: 360, Live Arcade, Wii
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