Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Only picked up Loveless # 6 today at the comic store. Still loving it. This issue focused soley on Atticus and gave him some much needed background. Lost tonight. last new episode till may. Also been watching steven spielbergs miniseries Taken on dvd. it's very high quality surprised I was never interested in it before. Just goes to show no matter how big of a geek you are you can't catch all the good stuff.
Playing Chaos Field (gamecube) and Mario Kart (online on the ds). holding my breath for the ps3 price announcement and whether i will be able to afford one this decade and can't wait to buy a revolution this fall. About halfway through reading the kite runner. It's a doozy and a very very good novel. The new Rainer Maria has me singing now. and that's a wonderful thing.


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