Friday, January 05, 2007

Children of Men, Alfonso Curaon's latest is tight.

Just got back from seeing Children of Men a dark and not distant at all future, where people stopped having babies. The Human race went infertile. Meanwhile the world continued to go to hell as we are currently and countries like Great Britain shut their borders and started hunting down illegal aliens and detaining them in refugee camps. This isn't so far off that it's science fiction and it makes a nice backdrop for this piece which is really a well done action movie about a quest to save the worlds first baby in 20 some years. A nice thrill ride and a film that stands on it's own in style.
I give the movie an A and it should do well in the normally bleak January.

On another note I get the feeling the director has played Gears of War. Unfortanetly i couldn't find a shot of the refugee camp online and the battle scenes that take place there but compare the color scheme and explosions of the two shots below. When the bullets start flying at the end of the movie and Clive Owen is ducking for cover anywhere he can, I just kept seeing Gears of War, and I haven't even played the thing yet. We are almost to the point where film is borrowing more from games then games from film. still about ten years off but were almost there. And then the question will be who raises the bar first. Cinema or the Games industry?

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