Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Vegas Day 3. The morning of star trek

So we went through Circus Circus's Adventuredome pretty quickly Wenesday morning, just to see what was there. Its pretty cool for a theme park to be indoors but I had another theme park in mind for our day, Geek Nirvana, at Star Trek the Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton. If you ever get a chance to go, GO. Even if your just a casual fan, its worth it. The entire place is set up like Deep Space Nine's Promenade with Quark's Bar hosting the food in the middle. The ticket gets you unlimted rides on Both Klignon Encounter and the new ride, Borg Invasion 4-D, and also access to the history of the future museum, which is basically a history of Star Trek. Ohh, i could have taken all day just looking at the props there, but to be fair to Jessica, We only looked at everything once like normal people. There are actors dressed up as klingons, and as you can see from my picture even an Andorian! They are all very good and stay in Characther. While we were eating our lunch at Quark's a Klingon saw my Coke, instead of beer, and insisted the babies on his planet drink better than I did.

The rides are both great. On the Klingon Encounter they have done a remarkable job of recreating the Enterprise bridge and without ruining it for you, they really make you feel like you've been transported on board. The ride itself is showing it's age, but you wont care, as your too busy laughing, and smiling. Very Next Generation ride.

The borg Experience on the other hand is very new and fresh. You start by being chased by Borg, and it's got a very haunted house feel as you wind through the corridors. It really has some good scary parts as you get to the large shuttle where the 3d starts. They do a great job of making you feel like your getting assimilated and I think everyone jumps at one exact point in the ride. I'd put this ride up with but not better than Spider Man 3-d down in Islands Of Adventure in Orlando. It's very well done.

AFter the rides we ate at Quark's Bar. You would think that this would be basic theme park food. You'd be wrong. This may have been our best meal of the entire trip. All the food is named after something or someone from the show. Jessica got some blackened tuna that was really yummy, and i got the Cardassian Pockets which were basically steak gyros except for the Yamok sauce, which were very spicey mixture of sour cream and wasabi. Yummy.

We then shopped at garaks where i got new shot glasses, and a new geek T-shirt. I think if I lived in Vegas, I would quit my job and go work there. It was great time but we couldn't stay all day, more to see more, to do. I'll get to that tommorow. but why is that Gorn attacking me?


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