Friday, January 27, 2006


Danger DOOM "The Mouse and The MAsk." I've always found that MF DOOM has been what hip hop should be. He's fun, bright, and enjoyable. There are no social negatives to this type of hip hop. No ganster rap, no demeaning references to women. On this album , basically a promotion for Adult Swim, the collaboration brings about a wonderful treat to fans of any of the shows especially Aqua Teen Hunger Force. This cd is funny and to hear Meatwad rap at the end will make even the most dull of you laugh. The best songs are Sofa King, Vats of Wine, and Bada Bing. I remember when Cartoon Network released the Brak cd so many years ago. It was fun but apealled mainly to a niche audience. This cd, on the other hand is hip hop at it's best and could easily be listened to on any drive through town.
But it helps if you like cartoons.

Winner of best picture way back in 1960, The Apartment is a great funny film starring Jack Lemmon before he was a grumpy old man about a man who lends his apartment to his bosses and their affairs. It's funny how little has changed in that regard. Anyway Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine are great in this and even though it has the trappings of Late fifties film and a rather hollywood ending, it's definetly worth your time.
A best picture oscar that still is great.



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