Sunday, November 06, 2005

these streets.

something about city streets, city sidewalks makes me want to explore. It's funny I can walk for tens of miles in a city, really not going anywhere and not even think about the feeling in my legs, but if you get me out on a nature trail or hike, I'm usually ready to quit before i begin. What does that say about me? God it can't be good, i just like to wander i guess, hopping into random buildings to see who and what is there. I like the feeling of brick, the smells of exhaust and the sounds of electricity humming around me. I like the rows of houses and the chain restaurants competing for my milkshake money. I guess if I'm out there walking those streets, for all our faults, I can see our progress.

saw the movie junebug last night and if you are like me and from NC you have to see this. there are so many things in that movie that for better or mostly worse are pure NC at the heart. its mostly things i don't miss but i sure could use a cheerwine right about now, but alas it's regional.



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